Pete Jameson's Article in Health and Fitness

1055 The Debate about Robotics in Surgery
Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Radical Prostatectomy (RALRP), commonly called da Vinci System isn’t a recent entrant to the cancer treatment realm. It was first introduced in 1997 to assist in cardiac surgery.
Posted on Apr-01-2014

1325 High PSA Level: Must You Dread?
Other than the cancer in the bladder and cancer of the kidney, prostate cancer is a major health care issue in men. Because of its increasing number of cases, it gets necessary for all men to know about prostate cancer treatment, symptoms and PSA level.
Posted on Feb-23-2014

1386 Know the Different types of cancer and their Treatment
Both men and women are affected by cancer in the bladder which is also said to be the most common type of cancer. Blood in the urine is one of the first symptoms bladder cancer.
Posted on Jan-17-2014

1436 Know the Different Types of Cancer
Cancer in the bladder is caused due to the development of a tumor within it. These unwanted cells then start multiplying uncontrollably. The bladder is a part of the body responsible for storing urine.
Posted on Dec-17-2013

1445 Symptoms of Bladder Cancer and More - Cancer is curable!
The balloon shaped organ located in the pelvic area which stores urine is the bladder. Cancer in the bladder is not an uncommon disease. The tumors start developing on the surface and even within the wall.
Posted on Nov-25-2013

1177 Understanding Different Types of Cancer Treatments
Cancer is an invincible disease that has terribly plagued humankind. Effective cancer treatments have been discovered in the last few decades.
Posted on Oct-24-2013

1118 Cancer of the Kidney - Symptoms to Watch out For
While our war against cancer rages on, there is still no long lasting and simple cure. This tragedy is complicated by the fact that very little is yet known about the causes.
Posted on Oct-09-2013

2309 Know more about Cancer in the Bladder and High PSA Levels
Cancer in the bladder is the result of unnatural growth of the cells in the bladder (The function of the bladder is to store urine before it is excreted out of the body). Bladder lining is the most common area for the occurrence of cancer causing cells.
Posted on Sep-12-2013

2408 Different Cancer Types and Their Causes
The cancer in the bladder (the bladder is a balloon shaped organ in the body that functions in storing urine) is the fourth most common cancer type that is found in men and eighth most common in women.
Posted on Aug-12-2013

2108 Combating Cancer with Robotics in Surgery
There are many people yielding to cancer these days. The two main reasons for this are ignorance and fear. More people are ignorant of the real meaning of cancer.
Posted on Jul-17-2013

1783 Robotics in surgery - Treats your cancer of the kidney efficiently
Cancer is a critical illness and timely treatment helps to keep it in check. Today, sophisticated development of science offers incredibly effective methods of approach for cancer treatment and in the process
Posted on Jun-20-2013

998 Robotics in Surgery - Promises treating different cancers more efficiently now!
An organ in the lower abdomen that stores urine is known as the bladder. Sometimes tissues are formed in the bladder and this leads to bladder cancer.
Posted on May-14-2013

12489 Cancer in the bladder, kidney, and prostate - Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Bladder cancer occurs due to malignancy arising from epithelial lining of the urinary bladder. It is a condition in which abnormal cells multiply rapidly without control in the bladder.
Posted on Apr-26-2013

755 Conquering Cancer of the kidney and Cancer in the bladder
Today, numerous forms of cancer seem to have become a threatening challenge in our lives. Whether it’s cancer in the bladder, cancer of the kidney or prostate cancer, all can be life taking conditions.
Posted on Apr-03-2013

1117 PSA Level - Precise Monitoring For Quick Detection!
The prostate specific antigen is a protein generated by prostate gland cells. Prostate specific antigen or PSA level is measured by its count in the blood. It is measured in nano-grams found per ml of blood sample.
Posted on Feb-26-2013

872 Early detection for prevention of cancer of the kidney
A pair of kidneys has a vital function of cleansing impurities from the body and helps maintain cleaner body metabolism. Sometimes malignant growth of kidney cells leads to the cancer of the kidney.
Posted on Feb-26-2013

691 Innovative Robotics in Surgery - Forget the Invasive and Unrefined methods
Technological advancement has answers to several questions. Inception of robotics in surgery has blessed millions of patients with accurate surgical procedures along with faster relief.
Posted on Feb-26-2013

762 Get Advanced and Affordable Prostate Cancer Treatment
Most men may suffer from prostate cancer. Amazingly, men who die due to old age at 80 suffer from prostate cancer and are not aware of it. The silent growth of prostate cancer is detectable through the physical examination by the expert doctors and the pathological tests.
Posted on Feb-26-2013

664 What You Don’t Know About The Development Of Cancer In The Bladder?
Bladder stores urine before it is passed out of the body. At times, abnormal growth of cells is observed and can lead to the development of the cancer. Most common occurrences of the cancer begin at the bladder lining.
Posted on Feb-26-2013

939 Does High PSA Level Prevent Prostate Cancer?
This is a very common misconception formed out of partial knowledge and overheard statements. High PSA level indicates the presence of a prostate specific antigen, a protein secreted by the prostate gland.
Posted on Feb-03-2013

885 Symptoms Of Bladder Cancer In Women – Act on them before its Too Late!
As a very common perception, men are more likely to get affected from bladder cancer. However, recent studies have shown that women are also under high risk of cancer in the bladder.
Posted on Feb-02-2013

815 Cancer of the kidney – Don’t Let It Mess with Your Life!
Every year, more than 30,000 Americans suffer from cancer of the kidney. Lifestyle plays a vital role in the development of this cancer.
Posted on Feb-02-2013

1102 Robotics in surgery – Redefining the surgery process with Endo-wrist instruments!
Unparalleled methods of surgery are becoming popular everyday due to its nature of perfection and faster recovery time over to contemporary methods.
Posted on Feb-01-2013

1481 Prostate Cancer Treatment - Six Sigma of Recovery!
Prostate cancer, though silent may have devastating effects if not attended and treated in the right time. Ignorance towards the cancer leads to wide-spread cancer into other body areas.
Posted on Jan-30-2013

766 Treatment for Prostate cancer
Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer affecting men over the age of 75. Although it is rarely found in men younger than 40, African American men are likely to develop this type of cancer at any age
Posted on Jul-17-2012